
Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

The Board of Commissioners of Harris County Emergency Services District No. 46 will hold a workshop on July 29, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., at the Atascocita Fire Department, Headquarters Building, located at 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, Texas 77346. The District will consider the following matters: Call workshop to order. To conduct candidate interviews for […]

Public Hearing on Tax Increase

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

ESD 46 - Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase - 2019 ESD 46 - Agenda (09-04-19) PH-1 The Harris County Emergency Services District No. 46 will hold two (2) public hearings on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 5.75 percent (percentage […]

Public Hearing on Tax Increase

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

ESD 46 - Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase - 2019 ESD 46 - Agenda (09-10-19) PH-2 The Harris County Emergency Services District No. 46 will hold two (2) public hearings on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 5.75 percent (percentage […]

Drawing for Position on Ballot

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

Please take note that a drawing for positions on the ballot for the following election: ELECTION FOR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARRIS COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 46 May 2 ,2020 shall be conducted pursuant to Section 52;094, Texas Election Code, at the following location and time: Atascocita Fire Department, Headquarters Building 18425 Timber Forest […]

Special Meeting

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

TELEPHONE ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETING Due to the state of emergency and/or local disaster caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the District may exercise its authority to hold the meeting via telephone conference call because of the difficulty and risks of convening a quorum in one location. If the District holds the meeting via teleconference, then […]

Special ESD Board Meeting

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

ESD Election

HARRIS COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 46 is a political subdivision of the State of Texas, operating under Chapter 775 of the Texas Health & Safety Code. The District Board is composed of five members. The board members serve staggered four year terms. This year two seats are up for election. Election Date: November 3, […]

Monthly Board Meeting

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

Special Board Meeting

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States

Public Hearing

Administration Building 18425 Timber Forest Drive, Humble, TX, United States